Can't Decide on the Right Safety Vest for You? Pick One Based on the Following 6 Factors

Safety vests will help you become more visible, thus reducing the likelihood of accidents. But with so many of them to choose from, how can you know which one is the right one for your needs? After all, you’re free to choose from a myriad of colors, styles, brands, etc. So how can you proceed to make a purchase you’ll be happy with for years to come?

To keep things simple, we’ve broken the process down to 6 different categories – these are the things you should factor into your decision.

1. Design

Of course, safety is the number one thing in a safety vest, but for the sake of making it enjoyable to wear, you should also pick something that is both pleasing to your eyes as well as suits your job role. For example, if you constantly find yourself in the vicinity of flammable materials, getting a flame-resistant design should be a top priority.

2. Color

Just like the design, the color – depending on the specifics of your job responsibilities – can be picked based on your taste and preferences. You’re free to choose between yellow, lime, green, orange, etc. Most of the vests you will find for sale fall into the category of either yellow or orange, so good news if these are the colors you like. But there are also the black, red, blue, and other colors available.

3. Brand

As we all know, brands are associated with quality. So if you’re already familiar with a particular brand name and would like to purchase another safety vest from that very same company, it’s usually a good idea to stick to your guns. As a new user, getting confused is completely understandable. To make the job easier, you should probably read some online reviews to see what people are saying about a particular brand you’re interested in.

4. Closure type

Do your prefer to close your vest with a zipper or velcro? Some are using a hook system, but for the most part, these are the options available. Since neither type of safety vest closure is neccessarily better than the other, you should pick one based on your preferences.

5. Material

Do you prefer solid, mesh, or hybrid materials? Since you’ll be wearing a safety vest most of the day, it’s important to pick something that sits well with you.

6. Class

Finally, we’ve got class, which is probably the least optional part of the decision. For example, if you’re working near highways, you’re required to wear a safety vest of a particular class like ANSI compliant and similar. Whenever in doubt, you should ask your employer.


Safety vests are an essential component of your safety and the safety of others. Given all that, you’re still free to choose between a vast assortment of products to find the one that will please your visual senses as well as feel right on you. Are you ready to dig in and start browsing?


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